Custom Wills, Trusts and Estate Administration Services

Who We Serve

Client Characteristics

The people we serve usually have many of the following characteristics. Do some of the following points describe you?

  • You have worked hard to create your wealth.
  • Your money is not wasted on frivolous things.
  • You understand there are many powerful financial predators always after your wealth, such as taxes, lawsuits and divorcing “in-laws”
  • You want your children to be self-sufficient
  • The purpose of your estate is a hand up… not a hand out to beneficiaries
  • You want to provide your children with ethical guidelines and remind them of your values when it comes to money
  • If philanthropy is important – your plan will reflect your stewardship and be a visible statement of your values
  • You hold yourself accountable for being financially responsible
  • You spend less than you earn
  •  You are independent and always want to remain so    You have concerns (sometimes even fear) about the future
  •  You want to give your heirs the best opportunity possible to grow as individuals who will live meaningful and purposeful lives
  •  You are motivated to create a plan that offers your heirs the best opportunity to leverage whatever level of wealth you have created
  •  You may even want a legacy that empowers multiple generations of descendants

Client Worries

The kind of people described above often share many of the following worries. We counsel people who:

  • Worry about personal security, especially during a time of mental incapacity
  • Worry about children fighting after they die
  • Want to be as fair as possible in situations where “fair” is not necessarily “equal”
  • Worry about estate taxes – they never want to have to sell the family business or farm to pay estate taxes
  • Worry that their family unity could be fractured, or permanently destroyed after they are gone
  • Worry that their heirs do not share the dream that created their wealth or that the heirs are not capable of carrying it forward
  • Worry that their heirs will be frustrated by the rigidity of their existing plan
  • Worry their success will become a burden, not a blessing for their heirs
  • Worry their wealth will compromise, or even eliminate their children’s ability to be self sufficient and successful in their own right

Why We Do It | What We Do